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Amy Markham

Our next interview is with Amy Markham (Amy Pearl Photo), another Gold Coast local. Residing in Currumbin, the ocean has played a huge role in Amy's life and is expressed...

Our next interview is with Amy Markham (Amy Pearl Photo), another Gold Coast local. Residing in Currumbin, the ocean has played a huge role in Amy's life and is expressed through the images she captures. Amy has been a contributor to Surf Visuals in the past, being one of the female only contingent of photographers who have a Surf Visuals mag cover (Issue 2). We love her work - so it was an honour to ask her a few questions about life on the Goldy, family, surfing and plenty more.  Enjoy.


Hey Amy! Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions for us. It’s been a while since you were on the cover of Issue 2, so it’s great to get back in touch. To kick things off, tell me – where abouts are you originally from and how did you first get into photography? 
Hey guys, thanks for having me! I’m from Currumbin, which is a beautiful little coastal town on the Gold Coast, Australia. I grew up always in the ocean and have been really into surfing from a young age. I’ve always had a deep appreciation for the beauty of the ocean and all of the unique views I have always got to see from out in the water. So, I eventually invested in a camera and a housing and began the process of teaching myself how to shoot about 7 years ago now and I love it more than ever! 
How does it feel to be part of the female only contingent of photographers who have a Surf Visuals mag cover? 
That feels amazing! I really love Surf Visuals and how you guys represent the surf and photographer community, so it feels incredible to be involved. There’s some really incredible female water photographers around, so it's a huge honor to be featured amongst them! 
From the first time you picked up a camera, did you know you wanted to make a career out of it? 
I’ve definitely been completely hooked on photography since the start. My priority will always be to enjoy making art and creating stuff I like and to just enjoy the process. To make it into a successful career would be an incredible bonus.
I got really into photography right before I became a mum, so my time has been primarily focused on my babies while they are so young, as well as pursuing as many photography opportunities as possible. I'm so excited to see how far I can take my career, as I am able to invest more and more time into it over the next couple years. I feel like it's just the beginning!


How’s life with the new bub? 
He’s going so well! Baby boy is 10 months old now, it has gone so fast! I also have my 4 year old girl who’s going great too. Being a mum is full on, but so rewarding! They definitely keep me busy! But I know that these are the golden days... my goal is always to slow down, embrace all the special moments with them and give them my all. And to get them into surfing as young as possible ha!  
Living on the Tweed Coast must give an abundance of elite photo taking opportunities in regards to pristine coastline and talented surfers. What’s the best part about living here? 
I really am so in love with my local coastline. You summed it up really well with pristine coastline and talented surfers. I love that we can jump in the car for 5 minutes and I can shoot surfers and locations that people dream of traveling to. I love the surf, the beaches, the incredible cafes and all the places you can go camping or day tripping to if you jump in the car for an hour. We are really spoiled with where we live!  
Do you find time to surf in and amongst your busy life schedule and work? 
I do! At this point not as much as I did before kids, but I still surf a few times a week, especially over the weekend. We go set up for hours down the beach as a family and my husband and I will tag team. Or I head out for a couple hours by myself to shoot or surf. Surfing and photography are my two life passions, so I always try to prioritise getting a few sessions a week and always feel so much better for it! Even if it's 20 minutes I find both surfing and ocean photography incredible for my mental and physical health.   
I recently spoke to a friend who said she felt intimidated to get out into the surf in a male dominated line-up. What’s your advice to others who may feel the same way? 
Being out in the line up from a young age has allowed me to feel pretty comfortable out there. Whether I’m surfing or shooting I’ve only ever felt encouraged by others in the lineup, but I can see how it could feel intimidating, if it’s a bit new to you or if you’re from an area in the world that doesn’t get many women out in the line-up.   
My advice would be to get out there as much as possible, so you can keep building up that confidence like you belong out there...which you do! Also, invite a friend to shoot or surf with, so you can have a bit of fun together and feel more comfortable. As long as you have a smile on your face and follow the surf etiquette, you might be surprised how welcomed you are out there! I’m often having people come up for a chat about surfing or photography out in the line up, I love it. 


Have you got any favourite female surfers or photographers that you draw inspiration from? 
There are so many! I’m inspired daily by a bunch of other female photographers. Cait Miers for her coverage of fashion right through to surfing and her grip of the business side of things is incredible. Amber Mozo is always inspiring me with her work. Jess Vide for her insane drone photography. Sarah from Salty Luxe is always blowing my mind with the way she captures her content. I could go on and on. There’s a lot of talent out there!


What advice would you give to women starting out in the photography industry? 
Nothing compares to getting out there and shooting as much as possible. I’m learning something new every time I shoot or edit and I’m always evolving my technique and style. Stick to shooting what you’re passionate about as I feel it really comes through in your work! Have fun with it and enjoy the process. 
What’s planned for 2020? 
Lots of quality time with my little family and as much shooting and surfing as possible! We look forward to some epic camping adventures up and down our coastline this year.  
I’ve also just re-launched my print store so that is a big focus for me this year, I really enjoy the process of shooting an image that I can turn into a physical artwork for someone’s home, it's so rewarding!


Thanks Amy!
Thanks guys!











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