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"The Future of Surf Travel" by Wave Of The Day Travel

For all your Surf Travel needs - dive in for big deals.

Predicting or attempting to mould the future of the Surf Travel industry is a big undertaking…. No shit… But it’s something worth waking up for in the morning for and it’s also kind of ‘The Dream Job’ for the blokes behind Wave of the Day Surf Travel…


So, what does the future look like? Well we have this new technology, more exciting than Crypto… It’s called a ‘Website’ and it has epic videos, imagery and a Book Now button… You can find it on this thing called the ‘Intrarnets’


On a more serious note, hopefully for the curious and adventurous it still involves sleeping in cars, eating plain rice, and getting mauled by bugs, all so that you can score a solo session in the soup. Hopefully this style of dirt bag travel will never go away as it’s the true root of what surf travel should be.


However, for most people a surf holiday usually consists of a short getaway, maybe with a few mates, or possibly with kids in tow… we aren’t all time-rich vagabonds. So, let’s talk more about the ‘Surf Travel Industry’.


With the likes of the WSL, travel agents, and an ever-increasing social media footprint, the entire world knows about Surf travel and it’s a big industry. That exactly why we chose to write this article… Big industry equals lots of people, and lots of people equals an opportunity for positive change.


We don’t want people to go to the Mentawai’s just to get barrelled, we want people to go there because it’s beautiful, because the culture is rich, because booking responsible travel can help others, AND, because you can get barrelled!


For every booking made through Wave of the Day we make a donation to our ‘Social Good’ Fund, which is currently supporting Not-for-profits such as Waves 4 Water and the Suku Mentawai education foundation. This is just the start for us. We have plenty of upcoming projects and are always working toward the next way in which we can have a positive effect on the world of surf travel and those it impacts.

Surfed out. Playground Surf Resort, Mentawai Islands

Imagine yourself here. Hollow Trees Resort, Mentawai Islands

Wave of the Day team rider Tyler wishing he could paddle faster

Off the beaten track

Afternoon gold in Sri Lanka

Chris from Wave of the Day on a project with Waves 4 Water and Playground Surf Resort

Ty Keeping the postcard dream alive


*Wave of the Day is a discount surf travel specialist, partnering with Resorts, Surf camps, and Boat Charters around the world to bring you discounted trips while also travelling responsibly. Above are some images of locations they are currently representing. To put yourselves in these images, visit their website; and follow them on Instagram for daily updates.

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