Here is it! The Top 100 Photographer list as voted by you. What a month it has been, we’ve seen over 6,000 individual voters across 80 different countries. We’d like to thank everyone who has participated in this comp, it’s been a huge month for us. Congrats to all photographers for putting your name out there and of course to Nick White for taking home the prize money. Stay tuned for the photo comp later in the year plus a few extra things we're working on for summer. Peace.
1. Nick White @nickwhiteinstagram
2. Zach Sanders @stuckonarockphoto
3. Aaron Lear @endlessssummer_
4. Octavio Coutiño @occoutino
5. Sebastian Diaz @surfographer
6. Nolan Sullivan @tooth_massage
7. Nicolás López de Romaña @nicolaslrz
8. Alejandro Castro Carrillo @alexcstro
9. Ollie Whitham @olliewhitham
10. Xuê Gil @xuegil
11. Oisin (Osho) Joyce @osho_photo
12. Zach Edmonds @zedmondsphoto
13. Ryan Campbell @ryancampbell_photo
14. Adam Snow @snowfoto_au
15. Oscar Hetherington @oscar.hetherington
16. Alex Van Kampen @alexvkmedia
17. Oscar McLaren @oscarmclaren
18. Aljaž Babnik @aljazbabnik
19. Sam Howard @s.howard_photo
20. Patrick Chenery @patrickchenerymedia
21. Aidan Gunn @aidangunnphoto
22. Omri Taub
23. Devon Cooper
24. Nick Green @nickgreenphoto
25. Will Frost @willl_frost
26. Kyle Brock @koolkylebrock
27. Adam Wolfenden @tyranosauruswolf
28. Rhys Jones @rhysdrones
29. Bodhi Todd @bodhitodd
30. Tom Hoy @tomhoy_
31. Ben Osborne @benosbornephoto
32. Adrian Peirce @aido_photo
33. Alejandro Olalde Miranda @alexolaldephoto
34. Alejo Achaval @alejoachaval
35. Mitch Pope @mitchypope
36. Damian Davila @damiandavilaphoto
37. Dean James @layerofsalt
38. Jack Abbott @jackabbottphotography
39. Chadwick James Hampson @chadwickjamesphotography
40. Alex Benaud @alexbenaud
41. Charly Rusconi @charly_rusconi
42. Hunter Vercoe @hunter_vercoe
43. Seamus Byrne @seamusbyrne_
44. Will Condon @twoseaphotography
45. Vitor Viana @vitor_viana
46. Remy Brand @remybrand
47. Peet Moodie @mountsliders
48. Thomas Lodin @thomaslodin
49. Robert Siliato @robertsiliato
50. Tim Elwin @urbanripples
51. Xabier Beloki @xabibel6
52. Ryan Marais @ryanmarais
53. Scott Ruzzene @scottruzzene
54. Samuel Medland @sammymeds
55. Tommaso Pardini @thomson_photo
56. Luke Cromwell @photobossbali
57. Lucano Hinkle @lucano_hinkle_photo
58. Ethan Jones
59. Gabriel Vargas @gabrielvargasfoto
60. David Edmondson @soulsnapss
61. Casey Ripper @caseyripperphoto
62. Chechu Pajares @chechupajares
63. Moby Preen @mobypreen
64. Michael Conlon @conlonphoto
65. Alex Mattie @sasssysloth
66. Anthony James @tony_james
67. Nick Timson @n.timson
68. Brenden Donahue @brendendonahue_
69. Austin Mullen @austinmullenphoto
70. Caleb Isaac Taylor @calebtaylorphotography
71. Dan Woodward @danwoodwardphoto
72. Guy Williment @gfunk_
73. Jesús Salazar @jsslzr
74. Jesse little @jesselittlecreative
75. Hayden O'Neill @haydenoneill
76. Garrett Lamb @monstersurfparty
77. Angus Maindonald @angoosemaindonald
78. Juan Moncayo @juxndx
79. Matthew O’Dwyer @matthewodwyer_
80. Liam Higgins @liamiggins
81. Nic Cameron @nic.cameron
82. Dominic Meler @dominic_meler
83. Ashton Herman @ashtonherman
84. Eden Pogonoski @pogphotog
85. Warwick Gow @warwickgowphoto
86. Simon Beedle @simonbeedlephotography
87. Tanner Olthoff @tannerolthoff
88. Tom Woods @stimages
89. Tim Bowman @surfable_
90. Vicente Covarrubias @vicentecovarrubias
91. Shayne Stadnick @shaynestadnick
92. Rhydian Thomas @rhydiantphoto
93. Stan Vandendriessche @shutterstan
94. Will Holder @will_holder
95. Romain Lossy @romainlossy
96. Swen de Kam @swen_exposure
97. Shane Richardson @inverted_perspectives
98. Ryan Ell @ryanell_
99. Thomas Horig @thomashorig
100. Valentin Rey @vagueinfluence