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The Days to Come by Chad Hampson

When I returned home from Japan in March the reality and impact of the Covid-19 virus situation hit me. It was really affecting Australians and daily life. It’s only been...

When I returned home from Japan in March the reality and impact of the Covid-19 virus situation hit me. It was really affecting Australians and daily life. It’s only been 8 weeks since we saw the first wave of surge buying in supermarkets. There are still many basic products unavailable.

 Within days after a two-week self-quarantine when I returned home from overseas, I found myself affected by the Government enforced ‘physical distancing’. I continued to chef for 2 weeks before becoming one of the employment casualties from attempts to ‘flatten the curve’ here in Australia. 

I’ve found myself sorting through years of photographs whilst shooting more. The time spent outside the house for the past few weeks have been to either take photographs, surf or to continue the hunt for that golden packet of toilet paper. 

The general uncertainty of how long this pandemic will last is both unsettling and inspiring. Amid all the fear and unknown, there is kindness, empathy and generosity. Though most of us are confined to our homes, we’re finding ways to stay connected, uplifted and inspired.

 Even though its early days regarding this virus and its overall effects I’m looking forward to getting back behind the blade and some form of routine again. The forced time off has been a blessing in disguise though the desire to interact and travel is strong. Whilst reflecting recently I realise how much I have taken the simple things for granted.  Now I have a daily appreciation of the simple pleasures that we have in abundance. 

I can't predict when you'll be able to rebook that postponed holiday, but I can provide you daily with photos of our immensely beautiful world. I will continue to publish uplifting photos, narratives, practical advice, and inspirational content, so you'll be ready to take that trip as soon as it's safe to do so.

There's no doubt we'll make it through this event together, and — when the time is right — we'll be the first ones to get back out there and explore all those places we're currently dreaming about.

The following photographs are shot on Nikonos IV-A and the Nikonos V – 35mm. Each from a recent trip to Hakuba, Japan.

Take a minute, be in the moment, enjoy.


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